Emotion track and Level of consciousness

Comprehensive emotion analysis with timelines for enhancing self-understanding.

Login with your social media account, let AI do the rest.
It's a pioneering model of unique consciousness state in the industry.
supporting source from Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, and more.

Adhere to stringent data privacy protection terms.

Emotional vibration

AI guided Non-violent Communitaion

Instant colourful emoji feedback from AI

Fun, intuitive, and easy to understand.
Build an accurate emoitonal trajectory by time.

Empathetic Respond suggestion

Practical tips for more honesty, empathy, understanding.
Enhancing relationship is enhancing well-being.

Consciousness Map
for postitive resonation

Connect to the most exciting and postitive community filled by honesty, tranparency, and empathy.
Say goodbye to scammers, cyber-violence, toxic ads.

Adhere to stringent data privacy protection terms.

Emotional vibration

We connect 100 million hearts.

Join us for the most exciting social impact in the coming decade!

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